Seems like having a small flock of chickens is madatory before you can be considered a farmer, sustainable, organic - or not. Besides the lure of fresh eggs and non-medicated chicken meat, there seems to be some deep seated need to have chickens clucking and scratching in the yard. And, according to Gene Logsdon in The Contrary Farmer, "You can raise four hens in the backyard easier than you cn keep a dog..."
One of my favorite magazines is called "Back Yard Poultry." While aimed at the non-farming small flock owner, their articles cover all sorts of small flock management of use to first time farmer. They cover chickens, ducks, geese and other birds.
Another site that I found entertaining and informative is Backyard Chickens .
Large commericial chicken "factories" want heavy layers, but a small, family operation may do better to have a "dual purpose" mean & eggs breed. Right now, I am thinking of Silver Laced Wyandottes. They are cold-hardy, pretty, docile and good layers of brown eggs. Visit the McMurray Hatchery to get an idea of the variety of chickens (and other poultry) that is available by mail order.
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