A collection of notes, ideas and experiments
as we move closer to living this dream.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Bird Brains
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
- Garlic Seed Foundation - "an informal organization of growers and eaters allium sativum dedicated to its consumption and production."
- From About.com - a good little overview of garlic and garlic growing.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Apple Trees
- A pair just outside the chicken runs - shade and food near by, fallen leaves for the hens to play in during autumn.
- A pair at the north entrance to the fenced garden - one on each side of the garden gate - some shade in the summer from which to survey the gardens, with a handy snack near by. Leaves close by to gather into the compost bins
- A pair to frame the front entrance - roots not as invasive as bigger trees, spring flowers and fragrance - maybe crab apples here.
- A small group in the pasture, trunks and main rooting areas fenced off from sharp hoofs, but still providing some shade and munchies.
- Maybe a standard tree or two on the edge of a clearing in the woods - no staking, no tying, no fuss - a few fruits for us, but mostly something for the wildlings and for the future
Some resources:
- Dave's Garden - look in the fruits forum.
- Stark Brothers - where I purchased from a few years ago - very helpful staff; informative catalog; reasonable prices. We'll see in a few years how the trees do.
- The Virtual Orchard - interesting site; this article deals with bees and pollination.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Why this is not called "Sustainable Living Dreams"
Woodlot Ideas
They say that you can harvest about a cord of wood from one acre of wooded land from prunings, dead wood, thinnings and such without harming or depleting the woodlot. While we may not completely heat by wood, especially in the beginning, I definitely want a woodlot for firewood harvesting. Wood for the fireplace, wood for the fire pit (for just enjoyment or for roasting a suckling pig), wood for chips for smoking meat.
Besides firewood, I desire wood for building with. Wood for fence posts or for making compost bins or for making furniture or artwork. Wood to surround me in my home.
And, would I be able to grow sugar maples? Wild bramble berries? Delicate woodland flowers?
And, of course, a woods to just to hide in and be at peace with the trees.
Some woodlot resources:
- Working Safely in the Woods - From the National Ag Safety Database
- TN Woodlot Management Handbook - Aimed at the larger woodlot, but still many ideas that can be used or modified for a smaller one. Road building, erosion control, tree thinning and planting, and much more. Not organically aimed, but still, some very good information.
- Fact Sheet from Cornell University - A little easier to digest than the Tennessee handbook - but, of course, therefore not as in depth
- Your Celtic Tree Horoscope - A little fun. According to this site, I am a Birch: "Birch people tend to be hard-working and ambitious, with strong leadership qualities. You are generally loyal and faithful, although you may tend to hide your feelings."
Some Resources
- Dave's Garden - Far and away the best gardening site I've seen. Includes forums for every type of gardening you can imagine - vegetable, flower, tomato, morning glories, seed starting, composting, etc. - but also forums on sustainable living, farming, market gardening and other topics of interest and of use for people wishing to live closer to the earth. In addition, there is an awesome plant and insect/bug database. A kind and gentle site that does not tolerate flaming, rudeness or personal attacks - truly a place where the Spirit of the Gardener can flourish.
- Territorial Seeds - Well organized website, good selection of open pollinated seed. I have personally ordered from them on several occations and the seed is quite viable. I never use all the seeds in a particular packet and their seed stays viable for several years.
- USDA National Agricultural Library (NAL) Sustainable Ag Publications - Lots of interesting things here. One of the things that can be found are some profiles of people practicing sustainable agriculture. Our tax dollars doing something useful.
- Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education - Yes, more useful stuff from the government!
- National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service - ok, and one last government web site. In fact, this is the one that got me started down the road to sustainability.
- Journey To Forever - Their aim is to "help people fight poverty and hunger, and to help sustain the environment we all must share." They have articles both about their project and "How To" articles for farmers, for the organic gardener and more. Worth checking out.
- WindPower - one person's adventure with small scale wind power generation. Includes lots of "How To" info.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Hating The Concrete Jungle
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Random Chicken Thoughts
Seems like having a small flock of chickens is madatory before you can be considered a farmer, sustainable, organic - or not. Besides the lure of fresh eggs and non-medicated chicken meat, there seems to be some deep seated need to have chickens clucking and scratching in the yard. And, according to Gene Logsdon in The Contrary Farmer, "You can raise four hens in the backyard easier than you cn keep a dog..."
One of my favorite magazines is called "Back Yard Poultry." While aimed at the non-farming small flock owner, their articles cover all sorts of small flock management of use to first time farmer. They cover chickens, ducks, geese and other birds.
Another site that I found entertaining and informative is Backyard Chickens .
Large commericial chicken "factories" want heavy layers, but a small, family operation may do better to have a "dual purpose" mean & eggs breed. Right now, I am thinking of Silver Laced Wyandottes. They are cold-hardy, pretty, docile and good layers of brown eggs. Visit the McMurray Hatchery to get an idea of the variety of chickens (and other poultry) that is available by mail order.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Keep on Keeping on
Franz Kafka (1883-1924)
Austrian writer
Some times it feels like this is such an overwhelming goal that not only will I not be able to accomplish it, I feel like I won't even be able to leave where I am and move. Both figuratively and litterally. So every day I resolve to spend at least 1/2 hour on something small towards this goal. 1/2 hour for 7 days is 3 1/2 hours a week. Times 52 weeks is 182 hours - or 4 1/2 fourty hour work weeks. Done in little increments, I can surely do this.
Going on a business trip - will be gone for 5 days. I shall bring some reading on this topic. Also, I will have internet access, so I can do research and post to my blogs while I am gone.
And, when I get back, it will be time to start seeds for spring planting! I used peat pots last year, and while successful, are not really sustainable. This year I will use up the peat pots I have and also start seedlings in flats of used plastic meat trays from the grocery. At least the meat trays will be used more than once before becoming landfill.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Pasture Seeding Rates
- Bluegrass (as in "Kentucky Bluegrass") : 10 - 15 lbs per acre
- White Clover (aka "Little Dutch") : 2 lbs per acre
- Red Clover: 8 - 12 lbs per acre
- Alfalfa: 8 - 12 lbs per acre
- Timothy (sow with clovers): 10 lbs per acre
- Orchard Grass: 15 lbs per acre
- Landino Clover: 2 lbs per acre